— SUPER SPACE CAT (@catsndabay) February 8, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
Monday, July 5, 2010
Heavy Rotation - 07/05/10
Playlist for 07/05/10
Junior Murvin - Police And Thieves
Manu Chao - Radio Bemba (Baïonarena Live)
ZZ Top - Tube Snake Boogie
Pama International - Highrise
Uptown Seranaders - The Onyx Hop
Galactic - sidewalk stepper
Morphine - Buena
D.I. - Voices
SSSC - Promenade
Gogol Bordello - American Wedding
Valient Thorr - Man Behind The Curtain
Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Magnificent Seven
Phish - Rift (Hampton 09/03/06)
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
You're welcome.
Junior Murvin - Police And Thieves
Manu Chao - Radio Bemba (Baïonarena Live)
ZZ Top - Tube Snake Boogie
Pama International - Highrise
Uptown Seranaders - The Onyx Hop
Galactic - sidewalk stepper
Morphine - Buena
D.I. - Voices
SSSC - Promenade
Gogol Bordello - American Wedding
Valient Thorr - Man Behind The Curtain
Amsterdam Klezmer Band - Magnificent Seven
Phish - Rift (Hampton 09/03/06)
The Killers - Mr. Brightside
You're welcome.
Monday, March 29, 2010

If you like live Manu Chao or Gogol Bordello. I suggest you go check out GYPZY SHYTZY!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Milwaukee Police break into house & pull guns on innocent family
2 days ago my friends in Milwaukee had an encounter with the local police who were chasing a suspect through their neighborhood. Apparently the suspect broke into their house as he was being chased by police. The officers followed him inside the house and pulled a gun on the occupants of the house (including their young children). The incident was not caught on tape, but the residents did manage to film the officer after and got him on tape admitting to pulling a gun on their young child. At the beginning of the video the officer threatens to take the camera away from the resident. What's your take on this? Can my friends press charges against the officers for unlawful entry and assault with a deadly weapon?
Get updates here: http://inthabuildin.ning.com/
Get updates here: http://inthabuildin.ning.com/
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Street Sweeper Social Club

Tom and Boots were on Rockline this week, listen to the interview. They will also appear tonight (Wed. 6/17/09) on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon.
Here's a few SSSC related videos:
My un-official Fight! Smash! Win! inspired music video:
video I shot of SSSC covering M.I.A.'s hit "Paper Planes" @ Shoreline in Mountain View on NINJA 2009 Tour:
SSSC perform MC5's "Kick Out The Jams" w/ Trent Reznor:
SSSC's Youtube Channel
Sunday, May 31, 2009
These Folks Must Go!!!

Neil Abercrombie, Gary Ackerman, Thomas Allen, Robert Andrews, Michael Arcuri, Joe Baca, Brian Baird, Tammy Baldwin, Melissa Bean, Shelley Berkley, Howard Berman, Marion Berry, Sanford Bishop, Timothy Bishop, Dan Boren, Leonard Boswell, Rick Boucher, Allen Boyd, Robert Brady, Bruce Braley, Corrine Brown, Lois Capps, Michael Capuano, Dennis Cardoza, Russ Carnahan, André Carson, Yvette Clarke, Emanuel Cleaver, James Clyburn, Steve Cohen, Jim Cooper, Jim Costa, Bud Cramer, Joseph Crowley, Henry Cuellar, Elijah Cummings, Artur Davis, Susan Davis, Danny Davis, Diana DeGette, Rosa DeLauro, Norman Dicks, John Dingell, Joe Donnelly, Michael Doyle, Donna Edwards, Chet Edwards, Keith Ellison, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Anna Eshoo, Bob Etheridge, Sam Farr, Chaka Fattah, Bill Foster, Barney Frank, Gabrielle Giffords, Charles Gonzalez, Bart Gordon, Al Green, Luis Gutierrez, John Hall, Phil Hare, Jane Harman, Alcee Hastings, Brian Higgins, Ruben Hinojosa, Mazie Hirono, Rush Holt, Mike Honda, Darlene Hooley, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Jesse Jackson, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Eddie Johnson, Paul Kanjorski, Patrick Kennedy, Dale Kildee, Carolyn Kilpatrick, Ron Kind, Ron Klein, James Langevin, Rick Larsen, John Larson, Barbara Lee, Sander Levin, John Lewis, David Loebsack, Zoe Lofgren, Nita Lowey, Tim Mahoney, Carolyn Maloney, Edward Markey, Jim Marshall, Doris Matsui, Carolyn McCarthy, Betty McCollum, James McGovern, Jerry McNerney, Michael McNulty, Kendrick Meek, Gregory Meeks, Charles Melancon, Brad Miller, George Miller, Harry Mitchell, Alan Mollohan, Dennis Moore, Gwen Moore, James Moran, Christopher Murphy, Patrick Murphy, John Murtha, Jerrold Nadler, Richard Neal, James Oberstar, David Obey, John Olver, Solomon Ortiz, Frank Pallone, Bill Pascrell, Ed Pastor, Nancy Pelosi, Ed Perlmutter, Earl Pomeroy, David Price, Nick Rahall, Charles Rangel, Silvestre Reyes, Laura Richardson, Mike Ross, Dutch Ruppersberger, Bobby Rush, Tim Ryan, John Sarbanes, Jan Schakowsky, Adam Schiff, Allyson Schwartz, David Scott, Joe Sestak, Albio Sires, Ike Skelton, Louise Slaughter, Adam Smith, Vic Snyder, Hilda Solis, Zachary Space, Jackie Speier, John Spratt, Betty Sutton, John Tanner, Ellen Tauscher, Mike Thompson, John Tierney, Edolphus Towns, Niki Tsongas, Chris Van Hollen, Nydia Velazquez, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Maxine Waters, Diane Watson, Melvin Watt, Henry Waxman, Anthony Weiner, Peter Welch, Robert Wexler, Charles Wilson, Lynn Woolsey, David Wu, John Yarmuth
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
4th of July prediction

You heard it here first, I predict that gold will be at $1000 and oil $100 on July 4th, just in time for tea parties! http://www.reteaparty.com/
I see $950 as the anchor point for gold in the next 8 to 10 months and $70 as the anchor point for oil. Gas should be around $3.50 this summer at the peak and will find $3 as it's anchor point for the same period. -Vince (vtocce@gmail.com) 5/13/09
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